Assessment & Certificate Information

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Course Content Certificates

Successful completion of course content certificates indicate that the learner:
  • has an excellent understanding of the course materials.
  • is able to apply the course materials to real life situations.
  • is able to apply the course materials to themselves.
  • is able to communicate efficiently using written English.

Certificates of Completion

  • Indicate that a learner officially enrolled in the course.
  • indicate that a learner attempted the course's quiz or quizzes without the quiz results factoring into the certificate status.
  • if a learner enrolls in a course with a course content certificate but was unable to successfully complete the assessment project tasks, the learner receives a certificate of completion. (See Option One below in Rewrites)

Written Project Requirements & Guidelines

  • There are no page or word minimum and maximum requirements. Depending on your presentation organizational skills and English language skills, the amount of pages and word count will vary with each person.

  • I'm looking for quality, not quantity. Your presentation needs to show me that you have an excellent command of the course content and that you can apply the concepts to real life situations.

  • The format for the presentation is not rigid but I prefer it to be in a format that can be viewed by PDF, Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint. I know that not everyone uses Microsoft products so PDF may be an option for you as you can use a file converter to convert your chosen method into PDF.

  • Your project will be evaluated by how thoroughly you explain the given tasks.

  • If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Telegram or WhatsApp, or send me an email. Conact info here.

Task Due Dates

  • Task 1 is due on or before 30 calendar days from the date that I add Task 2 to your course dashboard.

  • Task 2 is due on or before 30 calendar days from the date that I add Task 2 to your course dashboard.

  • Task 3 is due on or before 30 calendar days from the date that I add Task 3 to your course dashboard.

  • Task 4 is due on or before 30 calendar days from the date that I add Task 4 to your course dashboard.

  • I take time zone differences into consideration in the 30 calendar day limit.

  • I also understand and will make allowances without penalties for situations that are out of your control such as natural disasters, societal violence and/or government choices.

  • If your task is late for unexcused reasons, a penalty of USD 1 per day will be assessed against your task. I will not review your task if the penalty is not satisfied. If this happens, please contact me.

Task Rewrites

Rewrites are considered within of the current task

and are considered an attempt.

  • I may ask for you to rewrite all or part of your submitted task if I cannot understand your meaning from your word choices and sentence formations.

  • Rewrites MUST be submitted within 14 calendar days that I email you a rewrite notification. I take time zones into consideration.

  • The same penalty applies to rewrites that applies to initial task submissions. If your rewrite is submitted after the 14 calendar days, a U$D 1 per day penalty will be levied against your rewrite submission. I will not assign the next task until the current task is successfully completed.

  • I will ask for rewrites no more than 2 times per task so please ensure that your English usage is efficient and understandable.

If I cannot understand your submitted rewrites, you have two options:


You can choose to receive a certificate of completion instead of a course content certificate.

If you choose this option, no more assessment project tasks will be accepted for evaluation, which means you do not need to complete any more tasks.


You can choose to purchase ONE rewrite for U$D 25.

You can only purchase TWO rewrites for each of the four tasks.

If I still cannot understand your second purchased rewrite, Option One above will apply.

I will issue to you a certificate of completion instead of a course content certificate.

Please be vigilant with your submissions.

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Self-Enhancement by T. Seltzer

D/B/A ReaLifEnglish

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