Gladstone Gables 1 in English

Welcome to Gladstone Gables

The four young volunteer students arrive in the morning

at Gladstone Gables for their first day of volunteering.


Introduction to Horses

This course includes breeds, body types,

colors, tack and other horse information.

It is designed to be informative through its many, many pictures.

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The Gladstone Gables children’s series is about four pre-adolescent students who volunteer at a horse rescue farm. The series is designed for children or for anyone who grew up with technology. The series helps the readers to see the world from a natural, non-technology perspective of the world and to foster intrapersonal and interpersonal social skills. Ten individual books are planned.

This series attempts to increase.....

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Metacognition
  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Intrapersonal skills
  • Contextualism
  • Compassion
  • Self-control
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-improvement
  • Insight into self
  • Mediation
Gladstone Gables Series Overview
Each Gladstone Gables story....
1) is written using correct but casual English which is used in daily interactions amongst people. The authored words and descriptions as well as the flow of logic of different processes will hopefully help young people in their future jobs by knowing how to accurately and effectively write reports and other necessary written documents.

2) includes A) one soft science lesson (mainly social psychology and metacognition, and unselfish empathy, sympathy, compassion and understanding), and B) one hard science lesson (i.e., biology, anatomy, math). Life is not all about one or the other. In my opinion, it should be an optimal blend of both logic and emotion where each contributes to the behaviors and choices of people.

3) helps us understand ourselves. Understanding our inner selves is just as important as understanding the reasoning behind theorems in trigonometry. How to understand ourselves should be taught just as we teach children how to write, how to do math and how to ride a bike.

4) attempts to show that there is more than one reason or explanation for events or situations. This will hopefully cultivate creativity and diversity in problem-solving, especially in problem-solving of interpersonal and intrapersonal problems and situations. In American society, we tend to believe that there is only ONE answer, ONE reason and/or ONE explanation, whereas in reality, often there are many contributing factors to an event or situation.

5) includes a list of reading comprehension and discussion questions at the end of each story. The questions are designed to determine if the young person understands the story whether from reading or listening to it being read to them. The discussion questions are designed to encourage people to learn to express themselves accurately through the effective use of the English language (this does not mean perfect English grammar; being understood is the goal). These questions hopefully will also encourage communication and time well spent in meaningful in-person social interaction, which is very important and beneficial in so many ways. In today’s world, with all the methods for efficient communication, effective communication skills are in short supply. For questions that ask for a definition, an example that shows that the person understands the definition is equally acceptable.

6) is useful for ESL learners. The reading comprehension and discussion questions are useful for ESL learners who need to practice reading and understanding every day-use English, especially to be able to live and thrive in the US. While academic and professional English are quite important to adult ESL learners, knowing how to effectively communicate on a casual level is just as important especially for daily living.



located below the course thumbnail pic.

GG1 in English

Welcome to Gladstone Gables!

The four young volunteer students arrive in the morning

at Gladstone Gables for their first day of volunteering.


Introduction to Horses Course

This is an introduction to horses. It includes breeds, body types, colors, tack and other horse information. It is designed to be informative through its many, many pictures.



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  • If you use an alternative payment option, you will not have immediate enrollment and access to the course or story.
  • Your enrollment will need to be input manually after I receive a message or an email with a screenshot from you showing how you paid (the money transfer service) and the amount paid. Because of this, your enrollment may take a bit of time.
  • When your enrollment is completed, you will receive an email with the login link and login credentials. Login information can only be sent to the registered user's email.

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Self-Enhancement by T. Seltzer

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